Technical Articles

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Thermally modified pine timber Abodo

What is Thermally Modified Wood?

Thermally modified wood has grown rapidly in popularity, since the technology was first commercialised in the 1990′s.

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Abodo grain 03

What are “VOC’s”: Volatile Organic Compound Emissions

Volatile organic compounds, otherwise known as “VOCs” are a commonly discussed aspect of green building and healthy homes.

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Abodo grain 04

Maintenance of Timber Decking

Many people don’t realise it, but timber decking (like most exterior building products) requires regular on-going maintenance to achieve optimal long term performance and appearance. Just like a car, if you maintain your deck regularly, it will last longer.

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Howick Pool Deck Sand Decking Abodo Wood 1

Building a New Deck this Summer?

If you are considering building a new deck this summer, there are a few things to consider.

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Just checking you’re heading to the right place

Make sure you get the right information about our carefully crafted timber products by visiting your local Abodo website.