Watch our instructional video on the re-application of Protector for site application of second coat or subsequent maintenance coats.
Charred timber or stained, which option is best to achieve a long-lasting deep black finish?
We paid a visit to 3 Gold Coast houses to see how they’d aged after 5 years, with no maintenance.
Due to its reactionary nature, it’s important that Sioo:x is applied to a timber that allows for optimal curing.
Perfectly straight, weathered to an even silver, and two years later; our Vulcan timber battens are looking as the architect intended.
All craftspeople appreciate a tight timber joint. Watch our instructional video on the creating the perfect scarf joint.
Sioo:x is a toxin free coating that combines two naturally occurring minerals found all around us; silicon and potassium.
Humans have an innate need to connect with the natural world. Being outside among trees and greenery has been proven to have a positive effect on our physical and mental health.
How do the two compare? We discuss stability, movement, leaching and weight.
Facing west (with no maintenance), the timber cladding on this Byron Bay home is still looking incredible at 3 years.
With the ocean on all sides, Omaha House is a sanctuary in a windy ocean estuary.
This past year has brought wellness and the importance of a healthy home into the spotlight - and wood has come out on top.